what is it
- system design
- design
- requirements
- architecture
- interface
- system components
- scale
- security
- maintainable
- design
- type of frontent system design interviews
- system design
- product sense
- UI architecture
- machine coding/component design
- things to consider in frontend system design interviews
- requirements
- functional
- demand/supply: b2c; b2b
- module level thinking
- user management
- help and support
- payment gayway
- pricing and subscription
- production listing
- cart page
- account management
- feture level thinking
- non-functional
- mobile/desktop
- responsive/adaptive
- internet/location/devices
- accessibility
- asset optimization(css, js images)
- performance(fcp, lcp, tti, web vitials)
- csr/ssr
- authentication/authorization
- securty
- offline support
- loggin & monitoring
- ab test
- testing
- internationalization
- localization
- versioning
- pwa
- ci/cd
- functional
- scoping(Auth)
- demand
- module
- product listing
- cart page
- tech choices
- component architecture
- component hierachy
- routing
- data sharing
- data api & protocols & implementation
- protocals
- rest/graphql/sse/rpf
- json/protocol buffers
- implementation
- pagination/infinite scrolls
- debouceing/throttleing
- apis
- protocals
- data modeling
- requirements
- Architectural Patterns
- Iframe
- Web components
- Module Federation
- MicroApps /Route based
- Communication Protocols
- long polling
- ws
- sse
- Availability
- offline mode
- Accessibility
- keyboard
- screen
- Consistency
- css
- design system
- Credibility & Trust
- Logging & Monitoring
- Databases
- HTTP Caching
- In memory caching
- Apollo Caching
- State management(Redux,Context)
- Local storage
- Session storage
- Cookie
- IndexedDB
- Caching
- Security
- Performance & Optimization
- Assets optimization
- Delivery option
- Build assets
- Service worker
- -Web Vitals
- Perceived performance
- Testing
- Lazy loading
- lazy attribute
- fetchpriority
- intersection observer
- Loading javascript in async
- Content visibility
- Serving critical css
- Resource hints
Caching using service worker
- Caching using CDN
- Compression techniques
- -Layout shits & repaints
- images
- compress
- webp
- webp
- compress
- video
- font
- css
- js