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  • [ ] Getting Started4 lessons
  1. [ ] Introduction to NestJS3:54
  2. [ ] Installing the NestJS CLI (command-line interface)1:27
  3. [ ] Generating our first NestJS Application1:32 Watch
  4. [ ] What’s inside a NestJS Application4:04
  5. [ ] What we'll be building in this course
  6. [ ] Beginning your NestJS Journey
  • [ ] Creating a REST API application15 lessons
  1. [ ] Prerequisite: Install Insomnia0:29
  2. [ ] Running NestJS in Development Mode1:06
  3. [ ] Creating a Basic Controller4:52
  4. [ ] Use Route Parameters2:05 Watch
  5. [ ] Handling Request Body / Payload1:48
  6. [ ] Response Status Codes4:13
  7. [ ] Handling Update and Delete Requests3:04
  8. [ ] Implement Pagination with Query Parameters2:19
  9. [ ] Creating a Basic Service7:53
  10. [ ] Send User-Friendly Error Messages3:49
  11. [ ] Encompass Business-Domain in Modules4:37
  12. [ ] Introduction to Data Transfer Objects6:29
  13. [ ] Validate Input Data with Data Transfer Objects7:24 Watch
  14. [ ] Handling Malicious Request Data2:09
  15. [ ] Auto-transform Payloads to DTO instances3:01
  16. [ ] Chapter 2 - Review Quiz
  • [ ] Add PostgreSQL with TypeORM13 lessons
  1. [ ] Before we Get Started0:46
  2. [ ] Prerequisite: Install Docker2:09
  3. [ ] Running PostgreSQL3:06
  4. [ ] Introducing the TypeORM Module4:04
  5. [ ] Creating a TypeORM Entity4:00
  6. [ ] Use Repository to Access Database7:02
  7. [ ] Create a Relation between two Entities6:14
  8. [ ] Retrieve Entities with their Relations3:14
  9. [ ] Using Cascading Inserts and Updates4:49
  10. [ ] Adding Pagination4:55
  11. [ ] Use Transactions5:33
  12. [ ] Adding Indexes to Entities0:54
  13. [ ] Setting up Migrations6:57
  14. [ ] Chapter 3 - Review Quiz
  • [ ] Dependency Injection11 lessons
  1. [ ] Understand Dependency Injection3:59 Watch
  2. [ ] Control NestJS Module Encapsulation3:06
  3. [ ] Diving Into Custom Providers1:17
  4. [ ] Value based Providers0:56
  5. [ ] Non-class-based Provider Tokens3:10
  6. [ ] Class Providers1:03
  7. [ ] Factory Providers2:20
  8. [ ] Leverage Async Providers2:08
  9. [ ] Create a Dynamic Module3:55
  10. [ ] Control Providers Scope3:59
  11. [ ] Diving Deeper Into Request-Scoped Providers3:23
  12. [ ] Chapter 4 - Review Quiz
  • [ ] Application Configuration7 lessons
  1. [ ] Introducing the Config Module4:41
  2. [ ] Custom Environment File Paths1:17
  3. [ ] Schema Validation2:59
  4. [ ] Using the Config Service2:19
  5. [ ] Custom Configuration Files4:32
  6. [ ] Configuration Namespaces and Partial Registration4:58
  7. [ ] Asynchronously Configure Dynamic Modules3:08
  8. [ ] Chapter 5 - Review Quiz
  • [ ] Other Building Blocks by Example10 lessons
  1. [ ] Introducing More Building Blocks2:20
  2. [ ] Understanding Binding Techniques6:19
  3. [ ] Catch Exceptions with Filters7:24
  4. [ ] Protect Routes with Guards7:39
  5. [ ] Using Metadata to Build Generic Guards or Interceptors10:05
  6. [ ] Add Pointcuts with Interceptors7:01 Watch
  7. [ ] Handling Timeouts with Interceptors4:02
  8. [ ] Creating Custom Pipes5:48
  9. [ ] Bonus: Add Request Logging with Middleware6:15
  10. [ ] Bonus: Create Custom Param Decorators3:49
  11. [ ] Chapter 6 - Review Quiz
  • [ ] Generating OpenAPI Specification5 lessons
  1. [ ] Introducing the Swagger Module3:44
  2. [ ] Enabling CLI Plugin3:42
  3. [ ] Decorating Model Properties1:20
  4. [ ] Adding Example Responses2:03
  5. [ ] Using Tags to Group Resources1:04
  6. [ ] Chapter 7 - Review Quiz
  • [ ] Testing6 lessons
  1. [ ] Introduction to Jest1:50
  2. [ ] Getting Started with Test Suites8:44
  3. [ ] Adding Unit Tests7:43
  4. [ ] Diving Into e2e Tests6:08
  5. [ ] Creating our First e2e Test6:58
  6. [ ] Implementing e2e Test Logic4:11
  7. [ ] Chapter 8 - Review Quiz
  • [ ] Bonus: Add MongoDB with Mongoose9 lessons
  1. [ ] Before we Get Started0:43
  2. [ ] Prerequisite: Install Docker2:31
  3. [ ] Running MongoDB2:59
  4. [ ] Introducing the Mongoose Module2:45
  5. [ ] Creating a Mongoose Model4:51
  6. [ ] Using a Mongoose Model to Access MongoDB8:41
  7. [ ] Adding Pagination4:56
  8. [ ] Use Transactions6:03
  9. [ ] Adding Indexes to Schemas1:17
  10. [ ] Chapter 9 - Review Quiz
  • [ ] Extensions...
  • [ ] Authentication and Authorization+$79
  • [ ] Architecture and Advanced patterns+$95
  • [ ] Advanced concepts+$69
  • [ ] Bundle -22% Advanced: Architecture + Concepts+$129
  • [ ] Microservices+$59
  • [ ] GraphQL - Code first+$39
  • [ ] GraphQL - Schema first+$39
  • [ ] Bundle -25% GraphQL: Code first + Schema first+$59
  • [ ] Bundle -30% All extensions